Ciara's Birth Story

My birth plan did not go according to what I planned and yet it was everything I couldn't have imagined. My name is Ciara and I'd like to give you a little back story to my story. I had a miscarriage on February 28, 2018 and the experience I had with my OB was not nurturing or caring which led me to seek an alternative birthing plan and I fell in love with the idea of having a home birth! I was blessed enough to have found Tiffanie and after our initial consultation visit, I knew I would be in safe hands. We planned and prepared for a home birth but, from the beginning I was termed high risk from having another pregnancy so soon after having a miscarriage.
Upon seeing the high risk doctor, Dr. Wilkes, they found out I had fibroids, which is commonly seen in African American women and that I would be monitored through the pregnancy. Tiffanie, Dr. Wilkes and I were all on the same page for my wishes and plans for a home birth. I would be a first for Tiffanie with having fibroids but, she was ready for any challenges should one may arise and Dr. Wilkes monitored the fibroids. There was one in particular next to my son's head but, didn't cause any issues during the pregnancy. My son's estimated due date came and went and I was getting anxious but, Tiffanie assured me that he and I would are fine and he'd come when ready.
After taking a long walk and a lavender bath on the following day my mucus plug came out! I didn't know what it was and sent Tiffanie a picture just to be sure and she confirmed and I was ready for labor to begin. I went through the whole day feeling fine and no changes or contractions and went to bed sure that I would be awaken from labor pains and was mentally prepared for it, only it didn't. I awoke the next day feeling fine and had breakfast, Tiffanie texted to check on me and once I told her no changes had occurred she was concerned and told me not to eat anything else in case I had to go into the hospital.
She wanted to talk with Dr. Wilkes and determine the next best thing for me. She had been up the night before preparing and researching and I know she had my best interest in mind and I will always be grateful to her for that! It was confirmed for me to go into the hospital and that was the first blow, I planned for a home birth and had my supplies but, it was not God's plan for my baby's arrival. I went to the hospital and Tiffanie met me there and we went to my room and as they were asking me questions and getting me to sign forms Tiffanie was right there. She let me know what the lingo was really meaning and gave me the option of signing or not but helping me to make the best informed decision for me.
I appreciated that so much! Tiffanie made a great call in having me go to the hospital because they found that my placenta was not functioning properly and it was baby time! The doctor came in and got suited up and before I knew it I was laying on the operating bed about to meet my son! It happened so fast but, in a moment I was a mom! I cried from the excitement and love in that moment! You see while going through this pregnancy I was also going through a separation from my husband at the time. I am honored to have Tiffanie be apart of my life and to have helped me through this pregnancy. She checked on me as a woman and soon to be mom and made sure I had the right head space to deliver my son.

I was able to be human and vent and cry and worry and laugh and she allowed me to be me and the in result was a beautiful and healthy baby boy! After delivering my son, they found that the fibroid that was next to him was actually blocking his way to come down the birth canal and that was why I had not been progressing. I owe Tiffanie so much and I wouldn't want anyone else to be by my side when I deliver my next child. My birth story was not how I planned but, it went according to a great plan and I would not change a thing! <3